Our values

In the life of every person there is something that he appreciates the most, to what he seeks and in what he sees his own happiness. We, as Christians, also have our own values, which at its core transmit for what do we live.

Faith in God

Faith in God gives more than it seems at first glance. Trusting the Lord, we don`t only gain confidence in the future, which everyone so craves, but also peace, rest, a sense of security and understanding. We trust in God because we know Him, He acts in our lives when we show faith.

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Family is wonderful protection and pleasure for people! That is why we, people, tend to create a family, so we want to love and be loved, to feel support and encourage our partner in the life.


A healthy lifestyle helps us to fulfill our goals and objectives, successfully implement our plans, cope with difficulties, and if necessary, then with colossal overloads. Strong health, supported and strengthened by the people themselves, will allow them to live a long and full of joyfully life.


Development guarantees success, but success does not guarantee happiness.


When a person seeks happiness for himself, he looses, because selfishness ruins people. Anybody who cares about others, doesn`t make happy only that people and even himself. This is why God calls us: "Doesn`t take care everyone only about yourself, but takes care everyone about others." (Philippians 2: 4)


Sometimes our freedom gives us nothing except loneliness ... So what is it, true freedom that fills with happiness and peace?