
Family is wonderful protection and pleasure for people! That is why we, people, tend to create a family, so we want to love and be loved, to feel support and encourage our partner in the life.

Why do we want to love?

Do you have a person who can tell everything, someone who will always support and encourage? When we have such people, life no longer seems so complex and sad, and problems are irresolvable. After all, the two of us are easier. When one is defeated, the other half will come to his aid, and vice versa. In marriage, people become very close and feel the joys and sorrows of each other.

Only a spouse can notice the subtle change and sadness in the eyes of a loved one. He always with sincere interest will try to help, because you are part of it. And when something is wrong with us, we are trying our best to fix it. Family - a wonderful protection and comfort for a man! That is why we, people, tend to create a family: we want to love and be loved, to feel support and encourage our partner in life.

The pledge of family happiness in kindness, frankness, responsiveness

How to save love?

But not everything is so perfect, you will say. If it was God who created the family and it is so beautiful, then why are there so many divorces, family quarrels and misunderstandings (Gen 2:21-24)? In reality, everything is different, why is this happening?

The main reason for the spoiled relationship is sin. At first he poisoned the relationship of man with God, instigating distrust of the Creator (Gen. 3). Then the half-word in the relationship touched the first family. Adam tried to justify his sin by putting the blame on his wife (Gen. 3:12). In trying to justify our actions, we often blame other people: this is the consequence of sin. When we put our interests higher than the relationship - the family begins to disintegrate. If the husband puts in the work priority, and not his beloved - she will soon feel herself on the second, and maybe third place, will begin to feel unnecessary or even a servant. And when a wife does not notice her husband, does not respect him, is only concerned with himself - he will not feel like a real man, will not feel that he needs it and certainly will not make an effort to make his wife happy. Sin breeds selfishness, and it destroys relationships, families. But thanks to God's love, our sins are redeemed by the blood of Christ, and He gives us the strength to fight with destructive inclinations and selfishness. If a person opens his heart and entrusts him to God, Jesus will transform him and teach him true love, unconditional and forgiving. It's not love on terms you to me, I to you, but the decision to do the best for the other, not expecting anything for yourself. From the history of the Fall, we can take the three main secrets of a happy relationship:

Since the husband and wife become one, they should take all the advantages and disadvantages of each other, be faithful. But at the same time, each of the spouses takes responsibility on himself, strives for the perfection of his character. People are hard at all to change, but we must admit that with age we are increasingly difficult and difficult to change, which is why some do not dare change jobs, others - drink for years, and still others will not get rid of excess weight. But in the context of this, thanks to the presence of God in the family, the spouses have a serious ally in the struggle for the best version of each other. God is the mediator, through whom, it is best to solve all the problems, because in this way the change is milder, and the relationship in the family only gets stronger. Spouses improve and love each other even more when they share responsibility and hold together with God in all life circumstances, treating them with love and patience for the second half. This is the plan of God. In a family the person is formed as the person, in it the feeling of own dignity develops. God's help in the family can realize the principles of true Christianity, and its values ​​are passed on from generation to generation. Appreciate and protect the family is a special gift from God, which makes a person better.

Personal experience

Each of us comes from a family, so we have many stories and memories that I want to share. Unfortunately, not everyone has managed to grow up in a full-fledged family, or to create it as such. Therefore, we offer to read a few stories of people who will help you in a difficult matter - building a happy family.

Learn more from video

You can also watch videos with your family about how to communicate with each other correctly and act in daily situations, and a joint view will only bring you closer

Five languages are love
What is family?
The roles of husband and wife in marriage
The family is fallung apart, what to do?
The adoption of care and care, mentoring
Family traditions
Are you ready to become parents?
Keys to a happy marriage
My perfect half
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