
Development guarantees success, but success does not guarantee happiness.

Where do children's dreams disappear?

What did you dream of becoming in your childhood? Oo! Then we had a rich imagination and could imagine ourselves what the soul wished. The heart is full of sincere faith in success, and the mind is full of ideas. But where does all this disappear with age? Why do small dreamers and conquerors of space lose their zeal and zeal with time? What's happening? Why do many talented people never realize their dreams and hate their work until the end of the day. We often attribute success to luck. But is it really so? Growing up, each of us encounters difficulties on the way to a dream, some overcome them, others surrender. And really, when you drop your hands you can only hope for luck ... Seeing such a huge number of disappointed and unrealized individuals, it becomes clear: our future depends heavily on our efforts. Do not count on luck!

What we do not start today can not be finished tomorrow, so never have to postpone it

Unloved work or the whole life's work? - the choice is yours

When we see successful people, can we know: how much labor and experience is behind this? Nothing is given in our lives for nothing - everything requires effort! Most know that success is 10% of talent and 90% of labor, and yet neither are many still sitting in a comfortable chair, hoping for luck! And although these 90% require constant efforts, development and self-improvement, this is not such a tedious process as it seems. Yes, it requires some sacrifices, but the movement towards the goal gives the power to overcome difficulties, it makes sense to live. Development is the key to success, the opportunity to realize the most grandiose dreams. Do not rust him, work on yourself! We know that when a person does not develop, he degrades, but it is best known to our Heavenly Creator. He gives us advice on how to develop and become successful in everything:

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

Joshua 1:8

In addition, all people are created different and for each person God has the best plan. A true Christian searches God for answers to all his questions, including why he was born and what his purpose is. It is through communication with God that we are able to see this plan and clearly understand what we really should be doing. This understanding helps us to move in the right direction, to develop harmoniously, and gives motivation for growth. When you know your purpose, you will no longer follow the crowd, become a person and understand - you have a mission, big or small, but it's better than you with it no one can cope, because it is yours! You will feel your importance in God's eyes and His plan for other people, because your development is not appreciated by what you are classy, ​​but how much you will affect other people and change them for the better. A person feels really successful and happy when he studies God, changes his life, and lives of others with the help of God's love and His merciful laws, recorded in the Bible. This happens through obedience and the fulfillment of the will of God, acquiring friendly relations with his Heavenly Father. When we build a relationship with God, we find the most valuable and receive everything necessary for happiness:

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Matthew 6:33

The Lord not only helps us find our way, develop better qualities and achieve success, He also rewards our trust and faithfulness by offering eternal life in a perfect world where there is no failure, sadness and sorrow.

Personal experience

The question that always arises in conversation with a successful person: How did you achieve this. On this and other questions you will receive answers in the life stories of real people - stories about development

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Коли людина шукає щастя для себе, вона губиться: егоїзм губить людей. Той, хто піклується про оточуючих, робить щасливими не тільки їх, але і себе. Ось чому Бог закликає нас: «Не про себе тільки кожен піклуйся, але кожен і про інших» (Послання апостола Павла до Филип'ян 2: 4)