In the student years there were various trials and victories in spiritual life. One of them, I had to survive on the first Saturday in September, when the sun fell on Friday, girls from the room that belonged to another church, began to cook, watch movies, wash. For me it was a huge shock, I walked across the territory crying, praying and crying again, because the atmosphere that prevailed in the room was completely unusual for me. Then God answered me through the dormitory commandant, to which I turned, as this woman was a friend of our family. Her words were obvious, but very relevant to me: in your wheelchairs there was a completely different life at home, and what is in you and for them it's normal, you need to learn to share, and not concentrate on yourself alone. I studied it for months 3 precisely, I did my own cleaning of Friday, asked for movies and music to be listened to with headphones, cooked and washed, whenever possible, when we were at the service. So these girls began to respect our faith and even sometimes came to serve.