Why do I believe?

Tetyana Krashevskaya, biologist

Who are we? Where? And why came this world? These questions are asked by every person at least once in a lifetime. People need purpose, content, faith ... But if faith, then what? Or who? Everyone definitely needs to believe in something, because God created this need in us. The right was a Frenchman when he said: "A person in the soul has a hole in size from God and everyone fills it up as it can" (Jean-Paul Sartre). So why not fill it up by God Himself? Why not believe in God?

My name is Tanya and I believe in God. And it seems to me that I always believed, because, as my mother tells me, when I was 3-4 years old, I asked her about God, which she then complicated to answer. It seems to me that it was the influence of my great-grandmother Kilie, which I almost do not remember, but she definitely told me something and prayed a lot about all of us.

Protestantism in our family came from the sister of Mother's grandmother Theodore Karpovna. She was very devout in the Orthodox tradition, but intolerant of "Stundi". During the Great Patriotic War, she worked in the military warehouse. Its task was to pass trucks into the territory of the base, open and close the gate. And once, she was unhappy with her. When she opened the gate so that another truck could pass, the car, passing by, touched her with a trailer. She was urgently hospitalized, the diagnosis was multiple femoral fractures. The Divine Providence next to her in the ward turned out to be a Protestant - adventist of the seventh day. From the first day she began to testify Fedor Karpovni about her faith. As Fenny's grandmother later said: "If I could go - I would leave her, but I can not walk. I was forced to listen to everything. " And this woman prayed for her grandmother, talked daily with her and the Lord softened her heart. From the hospital Theodore Karpovna came out as Jacob after a night of struggle - with a sick thigh, but a healthy heart and a world in the soul! She could not keep silent about her acquisition - the faith she found. She shared her happiness with her sister Akulina, who accepted her every word with a sincere heart. Throughout his life, Theodore Karpovna shared his faith in Jesus with others. Through her, her daughter Galina, the grandson Vadik and the daughter of Svetlana came to God.

My mother, orphaned at the age of 4, came to the orphanage with her two brothers. None of the many relatives wanted to take care of orphans. But grandmother Killa always took them to her for a vacation. The boys did not really stretch out to God, and my mother became interested in the faith of her grandmother. She loved to listen to biblical stories. Grandmother Killa often on Saturdays took her mother to the church on the street Yamskaya in Kiev. Mom liked to come there, there they all regretted, often treated something delicious, invited to visit.

From my children's home, my mother was identified at a boarding school for the visually impaired in Puscha-Voditsa. Since she saw her grandmother mostly on holidays, the influence of the school and teachers was stronger. At 14, my mother agreed with the common sense that God did not exist and began to live "like everybody." So she graduated from school, then a culinary school, and then married my father.

When I was 3 years old my grandmother died. The Lord often knocked at the mother's heart, but she did not want to come to Him. God sent her both the difficult circumstances and the blessings of her grandmothers and baptismal collaborators. But everything was useless...

And when I was 5 years old, my mother was taken to the hospital quickly with hepatitis. But, as it turned out later, the doctors diagnosed were mistaken. One day, when mom put a dropper, she was visited by a strange thought - she will die now. She tried to inform her about the neighbor in the ward, but only part of the sentence had passed, "I'm dying ...". At this moment she felt her body slipped, and she was flying. She did not see anything, but she clearly heard how doctors and nurses fled below, as the doctor diagnoses death, and the nurse tries to introduce intravenous adrenaline. And through all this turmoil, she heard that somewhere higher than her is a controversy. She listened: one voice was gentle and kind, and the other one was sharp and evil. Then the mother realized that what the grandmother taught - the truth: there is God, there is also Satan. And my mother, in her simplicity, said: "Lord, take me to myself. I do not drink, do not smoke, I do not betray my husband, have a good one ... "But more benefits were not gained. And at that moment, the voice that the mother defended was silent, and what condemns the voice said: "Are you good? Now I'll show you what you are good about. " And then in front of my mother's life passed, all evil that she managed to make. And it was not just a movie, but she managed to recall the thoughts and feelings with which she performed all the acts she showed her. At this moment, she only had time to think: "How dare I open my dirty mouth and say to God that I am good? Everything, the end, is now drawn to fry on frying pans ... "And at that very moment, life began to come back to her. She woke up to the unspeakable joy of the frightened drug brigade. Two hours later, her father and the first mother came to her asking her to bring her a Bible.

Later it became clear that the mother had gallstones in the gall bladder and during the dropper, when the pressure intensified, a small stone closed the gall bladder and the bile was released into the bloodstream. From an intoxication anaphylactic shock began, and then clinical death. Mother was operated and when she was a little restored, she firmly decided that she would seek God. To begin with, she went to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra to touch the holy relics and repent. I remember all this, because she took me with her everywhere. But in the Orthodox Church she did not find relief. Then she went to the Baptists, where she was invited by a neighbor, but there was a cargo there after the soul's repentance. The Adventists did not want to come to my mother. In an impulse of insults, she promised her grandmother and presbyter, who visited them, who would never return to this church. She gave some preschool books and her notebook with rewritten Christian stories - it was a pity to throw it away. And then the presbyter Tymofiy Viktorovich told her that they would all pray for her family and that the day would come when Mom would come to church and he would return this notebook to her.

Time passed, and mom did not leave her quest for God. She heard that an Evangelist from France came to Kyiv. After the program, she approached him and through the translator began to ask various questions that disturbed her. Then the Holy Spirit urged her to ask the following question: "What do you think of the Adventists?" To which he heard the answer: "This is a very strict denomination, but I think that they will be saved." Mom spent the evening discussing his answer, and the next day, her grandmother's friend, grandmother Galya, came to her mom at a visit and brought her a small postcard - an invitation to gospel meetings. 3 days in mother's soul was a struggle. Well, I did not want her to go where she promised not to come back. But nevertheless, she could not resist the Spirit of God and came. At the first meeting, she realized she was back home. After 3 months my mother made a covenant with the Lord. It was June 5, 1994. So, after 13 years, the prodigal daughter returned to the Father's house!

And after a while, Timothy Victorovich returned to her mother of her notebook and said that they prayed for her every day. This notebook is stored in our house as evidence of the power of prayer.

Later, my mother could not understand what she felt during her death, if there was no soul? She had all the ministers tortured with this question. But after a while she realized that Satan is also capable of doing a miracle, so you need to believe in God's Word.

Less than a year later, Satan caused Mom a strong blow, prompting her to disillusion with God. She lost her child and did not go to church for about a year. But the Lord, by his mercy, has warmed her with the love and attention of brothers and sisters. And she again began to attend the meeting. I went with my mother. First unconsciously, then - because I wanted to. The moment has come when I began to ask myself the question: Why do I believe? Is it because the mother believes? Is it true what I read in the Bible? Does God really exist?

At some point, I realized that the mother of faith became mine. I have experiences with the Lord, I received answers to prayers. The Lord has prompted me to make a covenant with him since I was 14 years old, but I was delayed, something interrupted me. The strongest sermons were said, calls were made ... I cried, but did not dare. I felt the urge, but I did not have enough courage at the last step, I was afraid of responsibility and I did not want to disappoint God. And one time in early September, on the one sunny Saturday, a simple sermon was sounded. She was not told by a great evangelist, she did not encourage her feats, and many of these sermons remained unnoticed. But when there was an invitation to stay for everyone who wanted to receive baptism I stayed. On that day I trusted in the Lord as it was not before. And after a week he made a covenant with the Lord. This is one of the brightest days in my life for me!

Then I was 16 years old and I finished school. A difficult year ahead, exams, graduation, entrance to the university. I had a dream to become a doctor, but God led me in another way, and I went to the Faculty of Biology, which at all I did not regret. I always brought great pleasure to contemplate the creation of God. As a biologist, I am confronted with His creation, I study and admire the wisdom of the Creator. I see in all things His hand: in a sophisticated DNA molecule and precise biochemical reactions, in the coherence of intracellular processes and a complex brain device, in Giant Sequoia and a small infuzoria, in colors, in animals, in humans, even in a drop of dew, which, thanks to a microscope you can open the whole world.

I'm not just a biologist. I like to study not only the book of nature, but also the Bible. In my church I am a Saturday school teacher for youth. I am pleased with the study of the lessons, the preparation of the material and the process of discussing the topic in a lesson on Saturday. But the fact that I am a teacher does not mean that I am not a student. My class teaches me a lot and God teaches me every day of my life. I appreciate His lessons. I learn to trust him when it's hard and thank you when everything is good. God fills my life with content and special joy. He is my Friend, Assistant, and Counselor. He is He whom I believe!

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