And when I was 5 years old, my mother was taken to the hospital quickly with hepatitis. But, as it turned out later, the doctors diagnosed were mistaken. One day, when mom put a dropper, she was visited by a strange thought - she will die now. She tried to inform her about the neighbor in the ward, but only part of the sentence had passed, "I'm dying ...". At this moment she felt her body slipped, and she was flying. She did not see anything, but she clearly heard how doctors and nurses fled below, as the doctor diagnoses death, and the nurse tries to introduce intravenous adrenaline. And through all this turmoil, she heard that somewhere higher than her is a controversy. She listened: one voice was gentle and kind, and the other one was sharp and evil. Then the mother realized that what the grandmother taught - the truth: there is God, there is also Satan. And my mother, in her simplicity, said: "Lord, take me to myself. I do not drink, do not smoke, I do not betray my husband, have a good one ... "But more benefits were not gained. And at that moment, the voice that the mother defended was silent, and what condemns the voice said: "Are you good? Now I'll show you what you are good about. " And then in front of my mother's life passed, all evil that she managed to make. And it was not just a movie, but she managed to recall the thoughts and feelings with which she performed all the acts she showed her. At this moment, she only had time to think: "How dare I open my dirty mouth and say to God that I am good? Everything, the end, is now drawn to fry on frying pans ... "And at that very moment, life began to come back to her. She woke up to the unspeakable joy of the frightened drug brigade. Two hours later, her father and the first mother came to her asking her to bring her a Bible.