On the third day we went to Cherkassy, on a professional ultrasound and there was said that everything is fine, only we have to go to storage. I returned to my hospital and went to another doctor, told him everything and lay down for preservation. A week later I needed to do an ultrasound again, but I did not want to go there myself, I was afraid that something bad would tell me. My doctor took one more, two nurses and I went to the ultrasound. When the doctor looked at the monitor, he said that something was wrong. I was scared, and everyone rushed to the monitor, and saw that there was not one child, but two. Everyone was very surprised, because they said that there would not be one child, but then there were two people at once. The boy was born 2kg 100 grams, and the girl 1kg 700 grams. But, thank God, they are alive, grew up and we take them with us to church. Children are dedicated to tracking. As they were two years old, we constantly go to the camp services in Cherkassy, and in the place, never miss the divine service. We just rejoice in the miracles that the Lord has done for us and tell people about the love of God that we constantly feel. At first, bringing up children was difficult physically, but the husband always helped me. We want our children to be spiritually rich, so educate them on the books of Helen White and try ourselves to be an example for them.